VERASTARR has been deep underground with the development of an all new cable line to reflect our philosophy better. We are also releasing a high value line by making Grand Illusion more efficient to build.
More soon!
VERASTARR has been deep underground with the development of an all new cable line to reflect our philosophy better. We are also releasing a high value line by making Grand Illusion more efficient to build.
More soon!
Both Power cords as well as speaker cables are here ! The Statement 3 gets a push in size to 2.5" wide and the foil thickness was increased by 50%. This has changed the resonant frequency of the foil to push the distortion level even lower, as well as fill out the mid bass to a greater level. This makes for a smoother, more quiet Statement without losing any of the leading edge accuracy. These are the new reference of performance from VERASTARR. The most refined line we’ve ever created. Get some now ! We accept trade ins on any of our Verastarr cables !
Verastarr AudioFoils ..... for the day you realize that cables are the most important part of a World Class Audio Rig
To commemorate this, we are releasing a limited amount of the Grand Illusion Statement III Power cable sold direct only and priced at $10K for 2M. Inquire through email or phone.
Cable R&D; room remodel !! Over the next 2 months we will be gutting and redoing our R&D; listening room and rig. We will be professionally treating the room acoustically to get the room +/- 3DB from 20Hz to 20Khz. or as close as possible ! Next we will be redoing the furniture to include our "Ultimate Listening Chairs" that we designed in conjunction with a major furniture designer from South America. so the whole room will have fixtures optimized for the listening environment. Finally a whole separate AC system that is isolated from the rest of the building and ONLY powers the audio room, complete with dual silver plated 101 HCOFC Copper ground rods for both Safety ground and Signal ground which will also be isolated. Finally a new audio rack with Jeff Rowland Monoblock Solid State Amplifiers, Pass Labs Crossover, Coda Class A Solid State Bass amplifier, Rockna Wavedream Signature Balanced DAC and severley modified Magnepam 3.7i and a pair of house designed subwoofers. The whole rig is fully differential fron to back. We can jusrt call this setup the "TRUTH" what you hear is what it is.. WOO HOO ! Chairs available from for only $2K
VERASTARR Announces the release of the VERAMID vibration/ EMF drain footer. This is the first we know of that combines an isolation cone and an EMF Drain. In the shape of a pyramid (inverted) Our proprietary Natural (from Earth) material helps to pull vibration inside the component out and into a small square of consudtive pllymer that acts as a vibration and EMF "dump" where both these signal degrading enemies of good sound are turned into heat and gone forever. Priced at only $199 per set of 3 Veramids and 3 dumping blocks in Large and $149 in small.
VERASTARR Announces the release of an ALL NEW updated line of our Trademark AudioFoils, with a true breakthrough the Grand Illusion EVO. The latest in AudioFoil design allows us to build a better cable and much more efficiently, but instead of keeping the price the same we have decided to tip our hat to the Audiophile on a more conservative budget, and we have slashed the Grand Illusion price in HALF !! This is for the entry level 2 inch wide Grand Illusion in Copper. In order to do this we have dropped the weave jacket in favor of a more resilient and much easier to clean polymer imbedded cloth jacket which adheres directly to the foil dielectric which also has been improved to offer an airtight seal for zero oxidation, This is done without any adhesive on the foil for the best signal transmission.
VERASTARR announces our latest innovation and industry first.... The CONNECTORLESS CABLE. For the first time in Audio history VERASTARR has made it possible to use 100% pure silver from the PCB in one component to the PCB in the next, with NO SOLDER, NO DISSIMILAR METALS and ONLY 2 breaks away from a solid wire from one piece of gear to the other. The connection has unbelievably low loss. No company in the hi fi world has such a clean and simple connection... patent pending
VERASTARR formally releases the new top of the line Grand Illusion Statement Gold series of cables which utilizes a proprietary alloy foil for the most organic, natural presentation to date. Huge leaps in performance were gained in the interconnects especially.
We now offer shielded RCA as an option as well.
VERASTARR announces a collaboration with Pure Audio Project to test and design Illusion foil upgrade packages for thier amazing high sensitivity open baffle full range designs. The use of Illusion cryo treated foils really brings these loudspeakers to life. We are currently starting with the Trio 15 Tang Band and its unreal how good these can sound when tweaked with Verastarr cabling. We cant wait to try the Voxativ versions after these!
VERASTARR CABLES releases brand new Illusion Jr. line of cables to replace Prestige. Now all Verastarr’s main cable line is foil..bye bye round wire. The better part is we are able to offer them for even less cost than Prestige and better sound !! For instance 10 foot speaker cables were $716.96 in Prestige, and are $599 in Illusion JR!!
AXPONA 2016, Chicago, IL. With Vapor Sound, Lampizator in room 1, then April Music and Dynaudio in Room 2.
Doug Schroeders review shows how other cables can have too much bass or too much top end which equals unbalanced, inaccurrate souund reproduction. We do not believe cables should be used for tone control. Verastarr cables are designed to impart no sonic imprint of thier own, but simply vanish and allow your components to be heard at 100% of thier ability. Accuracy=Truth !!
Latest Grand Illusion 2 and Nemesis USB cable review - DAGOGO
Warsaw Poland, Hi-Fi show... VERASTARR shows with MAGICO, YPSILON and KRONOS.. Some say best sound in show.. Thanks to Janusz Sobolewski and Audio System Poland!
Congratulations to the RMAF team ! We won 2 awards for excellence. The third day we had Jeff Rowland Design in the room with the new 625 S2 stereo amp which Jeff himself calls " the culmination of my 30 years designing audio, and I don’t think it will get much better than this design" I understood this to mean it is his Masterpiece, and wow.. at $16K one of the best sounding SS amps we have experienced.
The Verastarr CABLE ELEVATORS are here !!
Finally a cable elevator optimized for Verastarr Grand Illusion cables. They are made from a proprietary composite foam that contains micro Carbon particles to rapidly eliminate static from carpet, as well as from the outer jacket of the cable. Also keeps cables clean, organized and up off the floor. The specialized design includes 3 slots to aid in cable routing and allow many options, all the way to Tri-Amping. Comes in sets of 10 for only $350.
Munich, Germany
May 14 through 17th VERASTARR will be formally introducing our product line to European dealers and distributors in Munich Germany. Come visit us with Davis Acoustique, and April Music!
AXPONA went off amazing and the Grand Illusion Statement was very well received. We will be doing close comparison with the GI Signature over the next month or so to make sure there is a noticeable upgrade over the Signature. The idea is to make the Signature out of 4 nines silver, and make the Statement the 5 nines cable. This allows you to purchase the full width silver cable at a lower cost, and we will add 30% more width of the foil on the Statement (2 3/8" vs. 2"). Furthermore we have custom fabricated an optimized interface between foil and plug that maximizes the surface area of the connection. In addition we increased the size of the resonating wafers and now add them to both sides of the cable whereas the Signature will be just at the IEC.
AXPONA 2015 announcement. VERASTARR will be exhibiting on the main floor in the large "Higgins" conference room with renown Vapor Audio Loudspeakers, Multi award winning LAMM Industries amplifiers and preamplifiers, the worlds best Vacuum tube DAC, Lampizator, and Linux based Hi-Fi optimized Antipodes Audio music servers... There will be a drawing for a free VERASTARR 1M XLR interconnect pair, and Saturday evening an after show event to mark the introduction of the PERFECT STORM loudspeaker, as well as the Verastarr PRESTIGE line of lower cost Hi-Fi cables...
April 24-26, Westin Ohare , Chicago, IL.
Verastarr becomes CE approved on power cables and ROHS compliant on everything in the line !
In 2015 VERASTARR will be implementing our latest refinements to the GRAND ILLUSION cable line using our recently developed "Cable Field Technology" treatments.
A little word on this technology.. As you might have noticed, it seems many established audio companies are using "Crystal" or "Hyper" or some other mysterious name for either Piezoelectric or Ferroelectric mineral treatment to thier products. Some companies dope this material up into rolls with a wire through it for soldering inside components, others pour it inside power strips, or into little boxes with inputs and outputs.. Some will put it into cylinders that plug inline on speaker binding posts or at your IEC inlet for your components. These are all our own iterations of a similar treatment, which is to run the signal through a "field filter" that filters out EMI or RFI from the electromagnetic field around the cables, or does this filtering at the end of untreated cables, or inside the component. Other materials cause the electrons to "line up"making them flow much better through wire or any other circuit board level component.
We choose to put these treatments inside our cables to negate the need for treatment anywhere else in your audio system. No opening up your expensive components and "modding" them, or putting heavy adapter type "add-ons" to your cables stressing or possibly damaging the connector interface. Who wants heavy, clumsy improvements hanging off the back of your components ? We know we do not.
With Verastarr Audiofoil technology, we are able to treat these electrons over a vast surface area unlike any round cable designs. For instance we can use sensitive "field activated" wafers, which round wire can not. By doing so we treat a broad area of electrons rather than just the outer surface.
Verastarr has spent much time perfecting our treatments, which include ceramic nano spheres, single crystal resonating wafers, carbon nano fibers, Superconducting materials, Spin-inducing materials, Ferromagnetic minerals, and Piezoelectric minerals. We have tried dozens of combinations of minerals as well as combinations of granule or sphere sizes and or wafer thicknesses all so that you.. the seeker of Truth in Music, will enjoy the most accurate, smooth, noise free delivery of signal currently possible using cutting edge advances in material science.
So anything "CFT", which includes all Grand Illusion 2 designs incorporate these technologies into the build of the cables.
Keep in mind ALL of this technology is passive and works OUTSIDE the actual signal path. Therefore this is an added advantage over our already phenomenal sounding Grand Illusion series of cables.
Yet again, we fight with the urge to form an eloquent, seductive sales pitch for you, but it simply is not Verastarr to do so.. Our proof is in the listening, not in how good we speak in a piece of advertising. We have all experienced well marketed products that do not stand up to the talk, therefore we spare you the "romance" of poetry, and we simply give our love and expression in the form of audio cables.
To all of our wonderful friends and clients and even those here just looking, we offer humble blessings in 2015 !!
2015 Grand Illusion Signature 2 receives an upgraded 2 3/8" inch wide 99.9997% pure silver cryo treated foil to give 20% greater surface area per cable to an already "winning" design ! This plus the GI2 treatments and no rise in retail price since 2009, making this cable one of the strongest values in HiFi !
Grand Illusion Signature 2 tested at SING Mastering today on PASS LABS X150 monoblocks. Previous cables were Grand Illusion 1. The difference was immediate. Highs smoothed out without losing detail and mid bass seperated farther from vocals. The Grand Ilusion Signature exhibits better instrument separation, deeper soundstage, and better clarity than the GI copper version and at the same time maintains a very silky organic and natural feel. If you plan to use the Grand Illusions in the professional studo environment keep in mind the cables work best on Analog gear or converters. 100% digital gear may not reap much of a benefit especially if you have nice clean power. This does not go for digital amps. We clearly heard improvement with the Red Dragon audio engineers next door to us at RMAF. Some customers claim improvement when used on CD transports, so it's more likely to affect pure digital in a home audio rig due to the less than perfect environment. The idea of using expensive cables in the pro studio is to reduce the need for EQ cut or boost.
With Vapor Audio Loudspeakers
Antipodes music servers
Allnic components
Verastarr pure silver foil cabling
Well, the show went off without a hitch. We had the most cooperative room we have ever encountered, and it sounded great !! There were a lot of "best sound of show" compliments on peoples way out.. Glad to show with some great companies... Antipodes Audio from New Zealand brought our favorite music server, complete with 2TB of SSD storage, and loaded with DSD and Hi Res files. Dac was by Allnic and sounded very nice albeit $12,000. The amp was a KT150 push pull integrated that was really nice.. Ryan of Vapor Audio brought the Joule black loudspeakers ($16998) and boy, this guy knows how to design and build speakers.. The equipment all worked exceptionally with 100% Grand Illusion Signature 2 cabling.. not one bit of wire.. 100% foil.
Verastarr will be adding several new cables, including the much anticipated "Prestige" line of high value Power cords, Interconnects, and speaker cables as well as the Illusion copper foil speaker cables, and the new Illusion power cords in both silver and copper... keep your eyes open.. Pre-orders are being secured now!
2014 Top of the line Grand Illusion Signature power cable. Made with 99.999% pure solid silver foils. With the new GIS2 power cables, the price was lowered and the wood box was discontinuedm abd Statement replaces GIS as top of the line.
AXPONA 2014 - with Vapor Audio Loudspeakers, Lampizator DAC, and Purity Audio components... this was an amazing rig utilizing 18WPC 300B push pull monoblocks and the new Vapor Derecho Speakers.. absolutely stunning sound in this room..
Newest cable upgrades include the use of embossed or laser etched leather cuffs for both speaker cables and power cords. Speaker cable leads are also braided now for a nicer fit and finish.
The Venetian High End Audio Exhibit, Las Vegas, Nevada Jan 7 thru 10, 2014. Debuting the April Music Aura note V2 all in one receiver/cd player ($3K). It is paired with Vivid Audio G3, notoriously hard speakers to drive ($45,000) and it sounded phenomenal. We used a Grand Illusion Signature power cord and Grand illusion speaker cables, everybody was very impressed.